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COI - Organizational changes and computerization

Head : Amira Selma
Hamon-Cholet Sylvie, UR Dynamiques des Organisations et du Travail

Version 1


Last update : 09/05/2017


COI - Organizational changes and computerization

Head : Amira Selma
Hamon-Cholet Sylvie, UR Dynamiques des Organisations et du Travail

Main objective

C.O.I. is a matched survey employers/employees on organizational changes and computerization, enriched with administrative data from both employers and employees.
The objective is to measure the organizational changes of companies in terms of management and use of information and communication technologies and their effects on employees' work over a three-year period (2003-2006).

Inclusion criteria

Staff from private companies, some central civil service administrations and establishments in the hospital sector with 10 employees and over, and employees from units with 20 employees and over in the private and hospital sector, with 10 employees and over in the civil service.

I-SYPRES - Observational study on the diagnostic elements of Heart Failure with Preserved Systolic Function (HF-PSF) in private practice

Head : Vignal Franck, Sanofi Aventis

Version 1


Last update : 01/01/2019


I-SYPRES - Observational study on the diagnostic elements of Heart Failure with Preserved Systolic Function (HF-PSF) in private practice

Head : Vignal Franck, Sanofi Aventis

Main objective

Describe in private cardiology practice the diagnostic elements of Heart Failure with Preserved Systolic Function (HF-PSF) for patients:
- for whom the private cardiologist makes an initial diagnosis of HF-PSF,
- monitored through appointments and for whom the HF-PSF diagnosis was made during hospitalization

Inclusion criteria

Aged over 18; Presenting HF-PSF that has been diagnosed in the past 6 months either by a private cardiologist or during hospitalization; Agreeing to take part in the study

ADOTECNO - Cross-sectional study of the harmful use of alcohol and cannabis in the general population: validation of a tracking questionnaire: the CRAFFT-ADOSPA

Head : Falissard Bruno, Inserm U1018 - Centre de Recherche en Épidémiologie et Santé des Populations Équipe: Genre, Santé sexuelle et Reproductive
Karila Laurent, INSERM U669

Version 1


Last update : 10/20/2017


ADOTECNO - Cross-sectional study of the harmful use of alcohol and cannabis in the general population: validation of a tracking questionnaire: the CRAFFT-ADOSPA

Head : Falissard Bruno, Inserm U1018 - Centre de Recherche en Épidémiologie et Santé des Populations Équipe: Genre, Santé sexuelle et Reproductive
Karila Laurent, INSERM U669

Main objective

To validate two levels of risk of the CRAFFT-ADOSPA for tracking the harmful use of alcohol, cannabis and other drugs.

Inclusion criteria

High school and university students (Île-de-France)

PARTAGE - Case-Control Study on Parkinson's Disease Among Mutualité Sociale Agricole Affliates in Five Départements

Head : Elbaz Alexis

Version 1


Last update : 09/05/2017


PARTAGE - Case-Control Study on Parkinson's Disease Among Mutualité Sociale Agricole Affliates in Five Départements

Head : Elbaz Alexis

Main objective

To determine the risks of contracting Parkinson's Disease for those affiliated with Mutualité Sociale Agricole.

Inclusion criteria

- Men or women - adult - affiliates of Mutualité Sociale Agricole

EPCV - Continuous Survey on Household Living Conditions

Head : Accardo Jerome

Version 2


Last update : 09/05/2017


EPCV - Continuous Survey on Household Living Conditions

Head : Accardo Jerome

Main objective

To investigate actions and health practices of individuals in their daily life.

Inclusion criteria

Households in France (random selection of one household member)

PLEIAD - Descriptive epidemiological study in nursing home

Head : Crochard Anne

Version 1


Last update : 01/01/2020


PLEIAD - Descriptive epidemiological study in nursing home

Head : Crochard Anne

Main objective

To describe the population of nursing home residents in France and in particular to quantify transitions into or out of the nursing home and to describe the characteristics of the nursing home residents at admission and discharge.

Inclusion criteria

To be eligible, the residents had to have been admitted to the nursing home for the first time (from home, hospital or another nursing home) or following a hospitalization, or had to have been temporarily or permanently discharged from the nursing home (to home, hospital or another nursing home) in the previous three months.

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